
I guess The Anonymous Blogger didn't like my little joke. (It was just a joke!) It was worth it.

We had a health insurance meeting at work today. I was waiting for someone to ask something dumb so I could follow up by asking if lobotomies are covered, but I didn't.

Mickey writes: "Homosexuality is a choice for some and genetic for others. Is that so hard to understand? I once saw a young boy crossing the street and knew at that moment that he was going to be gay when he got older. It was his entire body language. He had no choice.
On the other hand I once knew a guy who was a real manly man who had any women he wanted. They were putty in his hands. One day he just went gay! He decided that he had eaten all of the tang that he wanted and then wanted something else out of a desire for variety.
Choice for some and genetics for others! End of story!

This court hearing is adjourned.

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