
I am way behind on everything I do. But I did want to thank Amanda for pointing out to me the wave of Amazon stories last week. It seems that the Canadian Amazon.com accidentally revealed last week who some of the "anonymous" reviewers were of various books on Amazon. It turned out that some of the people calling themselves, say, "A REVIEWER from St. Ignatius, OK" were friends of the writers, the writers themselves, or what have you. (Not necessarily a big surprise, though, considering that anyone can be anonymous on there.) Here's a USA Today summary of the news. The ULA (Underground Literary Alliance), one of the players in the ongoing literary snark wars (over who should and shouldn't be getting published, and who gets a literary free ride when they shouldn't, etc.), has an interesting response. I keep wanting to write about all the literary factions that are out there (this is like rap wars except with words rather than guns), but I haven't had a chance. Someday I'll write more, maybe.

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