

When I Spellchecked (TM) something today, I found that I had misspelled surprise as "suprise." I've been doing that since I was in elementary school. I am usually a good speller, so I think that for a short, common word like this, I should have learned by now. But no. Maybe it's because I rarely pronounce the first R.

I bet all of you have your words that for some reason, you just keep messing up.

I used to misspell "weird" a lot. It is confusing because it violates the i-before-e rule. In other words, the word weird is, itself, weird. Besides, "wierd" also looks right sometimes.

I misspelled "knowledge" in my college essays repeatedly, figuring it didn't have a "D."

Well, I won't be entering any spelling bees. (That's entering with one R.)

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