
Woke up, put clothes on, went to work.

I added a post yesterday, but I'm not sure it went up. If I am repeating, I'll just erase it later - so don't you worry! It's below.

>>I apologize to those whose posts I said I'd link to in the last week and didn't. I have to put the poem responses up, as well as one more link, and then I think I'm ok.

Rachel-Rose wrote in again to say that she has found out that Kerry actually did go to church services on Sunday before campaigning.

Here's one more reaction from an anonymous friend:

"Democrats do need to get in touch with the religious convictions of an incredibly large (and apparently actively voting) segment of society. Democrats should be embarrassed that they cannot win the poorest states in the deep South; those people are putting their belief that the Republicans stand for morals ahead of their economic needs (fairer tax system, health care, etc.). The Democrats have to stop nominating egghead Northerners (Dukakis, Kerry). They need to nominate candidates who can HONESTLY talk about how their faith inspires their beliefs. I'm sure Jesus would agree that starting wars against nations that do not pose a threat is "unChristian." As you point out, there is also a strong moral (and I would urge a Democrat to say, "Christian") basis for a fairer tax system and aid to the poor. I don't know if the abortion/gay rights things can be cast in "christian" tones, but ... The last time there was liberal change in America it was accomplished in the 1960's, largely through religious leaders like MLK. If the god-talk turns off some swing voters in Maine and New Hampshire but inspires voters in Ohio, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Missouri . . . it is a trade off worth making. It will take a couple of election cycles for the Democrats to be perceived as being honest about these religious issues. (And it is unlikely that northeasterns would find the godtalk so unappealing that they vote Republican instead; they'll hold their nose and vote for the liberal.)

"I find it shocking that Republicans have so cornered the market on morals. Does anyone think John Kerry wants more s*x on television? Is that part of his platform? Does he want people to use drugs? Does he want to increase the number of abortions? Does he want to turn your kids gay?

"In eight years, Edwards, or someone like him, will be a viable candidate. The Democrats CANNOT nominate Hillary for the presidency, or they'll lose again. The Democrats should also see if they can get the first primaries out of Iowa and New Hampshire."

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