
Home Stretch

Two more weekends of proofreading, and then my novel is done.

I won't have to be constantly scared anymore: Scared of sending it out too soon and being rejected, scared of getting it out too late after someone else wrote something with a similar plot.

Scared of not finding the right words to emotionally reflect what's in my heart.


They said on the radio that Jerry Seinfeld just had a baby boy named Shepherd Seinfeld, and Soleil Moon Frye just had a girl named Poet Goldberg. Those are kinda cute, I think. But then they said Penn Jilette's kid is named Moxie Crimefighter. What's he going to call his pet dog, Jennifer Elizabeth?

More writing nonsense

"Scenes from a Holiday" including "Carrie Pilby's New Year's Resolution" hits shelves two months from today.

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