
Woke up, put on clothes, didn't go to work.

I bought five oranges and cut the edible part out and put it in the blender and made orange juice. I strained and drank it and it was good - it tasted exactly like store bought Tropicana or such. Then I realized, it would have cost the same for store-bought, with less mess.

It's that time at last -- Novel 3 is being sent to some editors next week. They may read it right away, or they may take a while. I really feel good that it's out of my hands for now. Of course, the editors who like it will have suggestions for changes. But for now, it's at least getting out there, so if someone else writes something similar or similar things happen on the news (and some things have), it won't thwart me.

It still will need some changes later, but it's in good enough shape for editors to tell me what they want. After four years, it was time to show it.

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