
Will soon wake up, put on clothes, and go to work.

As you can see by these in-advance entries, I'm staying up late. I've been revising my book late at night. The reason is that this past weekend, instead of really working on it, I kept getting the urge to sleep a lot. I'm trying to make up for that.

There is very little that is artful or exciting about revising. I have read the words so many times that they've lost feeling. I can still detect proper rhythm and flow. But is the story still interesting? Does it draw emotion from me? Not after 200 times reading it. I don't understand how authors end up with 700 or 1,000-page novels after a revision process. Lots of sections start seeming extraneous. Of course, after a certain point, you have to stop yourself from editing everything down to the barest germ.

Like this blog entry for example. It's about entry number 35 on revising. Do you really care?

On another note, I went to Tuesday night team trivia tonight after having been away for about a month. Val and Barry were the co-hosts. Next week, I will be hosting with Val. Oh, it was great to see the return of Todd.

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