
With my mind wandering, as it usually does, I noticed that on the book jacket of DaVinci Code (regrettably still 226 notches above my book on Amazon, ha ha), certain leters are slightly bolded. I wrote them down, and it says, "Is there no help for the widows son." I knew that I couldn't be the only one to figure this out, as this book's been a best-seller for some time, so I put it into the internet. There are some citings, and it's apparently got to do with the Mormons. I don't care enough to look up anything else about it. If you have the hardcover, check it out and you'll see. Anyway, I'm about a third of the way through the book.

I've been more interested in reading stuff related to the documentary Capturing the Friedmans, which I saw a few days ago. Truly haunting and riveting.

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