
Woke up, worked on my writing for a good four hours straight, took a two-hour nap, woke up and worried that it was turning out boring and I'm wasting my time. But it's coming along.

A few people have given me nice comments on the dating entry. I know writing about dating is interesting, but I have to be careful not to get personal. I will probably share a few more thoughts on it in general on Valentine's Day or the day before.

A related topic that came up at dinner with friends was "deal-breakers." The following were suggested by my college associates (two females and a male) as deal-breakers among a potential girl/boyfriend:

-Extreme religiosity.
-Being a Republican (modified by one person as "Depending on why") (and no, this one was not, believe it or not, submitted by me first.)
-Hating animals.
-Ragging on Philadelphia and/or its sports teams.
-Having a dog (this one was DEFINITELY not submitted by me).
and finally...

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