
Update on Brooke, the 12-year-old girl who looks like a baby: Apparently it's a real story (go to the link and follow the link in the comments), but the news stations pulled the link either because of a request from the family or because the originating station sent it to others inadvertently (huh?) I would imagine that the media would converge on this story, but they haven't, which is what surprises me. Her doctor, Dr. Lawrence Pakula, is a Johns Hopkins dr. So it's real, just very confusing.

Can you imagine taking care of a baby forever - she can never get older? She and her parents and her sisters must be tough, caring people.

Meanwhile... Can you imagine being the Seattle journalist whose job it was to check the Kings County Recorder's Office every day for the marriage license registration of M. K. Letourneau and V. Fualaau? Well, they came up lucky today. Put just the groom's last and first name in and you get to find out their full names. Whooey.

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