
Woke up, put clothes on, didn't go to work.

I like Dawn's response to my response to her response. I don't see mine was a "left-wing blog," since I voted for a Republican once (Frank Rizzo, but he was already dead). I do agree that religious people are sometimes demonized or belittled by the thinking left, and the incident that sparked Dawn's original essay - a public event where there was the implication that anyone supporting Bush was a numbskull - isn't fair either.

I was at a comedy show recently where one of the comedians made some comment that was, in effect, "We're all voting for Kerry, right?" Of course, I live in the NY area and that's a common assumption, but the idea that anyone who is voting for Bush is stupid isn't a fair idea. I think we could have more rational discourse if we could get past all of the screwy assumptions.

I don't like it when people on the right assume that the poor or uneducated deserve to be that way. Comments like that make me angry. Similarly, I don't think it's fair to assume that religious folks are ignorant, hateful, etc. Dawn seems to hold certain moral values near and dear, and I agree that there are moral crises in this country.

We're kind of arguing about abstract, easy ideas here, and I know there are more important things at stake. Nobody reads my blog to hear what I have to say about the war, and I don't think my opinions are that much more insightful than Jenny from the block. (OK, maybe than hers). This blog may be erased before you can say "Google cycle," so catch it while you can.

We now return to our regularly scheduled programming...

DENTIST PERFORMING ROOT CANAL ON ME ON MONDAY: This procedure is fairly routine.
ME: Get it, root-ine?
DENTIST: Yeah, I've done hundreds of them...

And thus, another bad pun dies a quick death.

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