
Woke up, bla bla bla.

Worked on novel most of Saturday (shock! awe!)

I went to the housewarming party last night for a good friend. The house was definitely warm. I learned two interesting things. One: Apparently, one of the most disgusting websites ever is www.tubg*rl.com, but you have to replace the * with an "i." WARNING: This came up in conversation about "shock" websites, and the two men who were discussing it refused to even explain what it was, for fear of offending everyone at the party. They said it was a woman in a tub, and vomit was involved. So don't go there unless you want to see something shocking. In the end, we nominated someone to look it up on the web in the middle of the party. Reactions ranged from disgust to laughter. I only viewed it from afar.

Second, on the way home (I was lucky enough to get a ride back from Bob), we didn't know which road to take back to Manhattan from Queens. Janet said, "Go right. Know why? Because I just saw a taxi go that way, and why would a taxi not be going back to Manhattan?" Good advice!

I plan to post a photo of the partygoers' feet when I install the software for my beloved new camera.

Plan for today (Sunday): More novel revising!

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