
I'm not linked

A few years ago, someone invited me to join this job connection website called "linkedin," which I guess is sort of like a professional Friendster. For no special reason, I said yes and put in that I was a journalist. That was about it.

Since then, I've gotten 12 or 13 requests to link people, but didn't even feel like logging in in order to do it. I didn't even remember my password.

Today I got an email saying I had about 15 unread messages and things. So I logged in, emailed people to say they could e-mail me, and sent something to Linkedin asking to delete my entry.

So hopefully it will be gone in a matter of hours. In any case, if you asked to "link" to me, I don't hate you; I just don't want to deal with that site. So don't take offense!

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