
Writing update (ho hum)

I have a book that is ready to go to editors. It is not the book I have been talking about on here for years.

It may take months for me to hear back on it, or weeks. I'm just glad that (hopefully) it's about to get out there.

I also have another book proposal nearly done that is to go to a specific editor. It also is not the book I have been talking about revising on here for years.

The book I have talked about revising here for years is about two characters who have a strong emotional connection to each other. It has been hard to get just right. I think I am much, much closer. But it will still take a little tinkering.

The books I care about emotionally are usually the hardest to get right.

I was always working on the other stuff, which is generally a good idea. If you hit writer's block on one thing, you can go to another.

However, I'm not sure that I've ever had "writer's block" -- just a period when I needed to take a break from something. As I've understood it, writer's block is something psychological. There have been times when I've become bored with certain books, taken time off from others, or simply run out of ideas, but I don't see any of that as something psychological.

For instance, right now, I am writing this blog and I just don't see how I could ever sto

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