

So, there are all sorts of internet social networks. There was Friendster, which I got off long ago. I just didn't feel like logging in every day to do all the things I was getting e-mails saying I should do (friend someone, do this, do that, etc.). Then I got a MySpace account, since that was the new thing, especially for authors and musicians with something to promote, but I didn't have time to keep getting on and reading my mail and "friending" people (or whatever the MySpace version was) and bla bla, so I deleted that, too.

About two years ago, an old friend asked me to join LinkedIn, so I did. That was a mistake. Now I get emails from people saying, "Why haven't you updated your LinkedIn?" I have other things to do.

Plus, how many passwords and LogIn names can I really remember?

I'm just going to have to start Just Saying No to joining these things, because once I'm on, more and more people or groups find me and then I'm afraid they'll be insulted if I don't log in to resopnd, but there are just too many of them.

Recently, Lori invited me to sign up for GoodReads. It's a way to monitor and comment on what your friends are reading, and share what you are reading. It was nice of her. I signed up, but I haven't read any novels in quite a while, so now it's just a testament to my laziness. And I've been getting emails from some nice people asking me to add them to my links, but I don't even remember what my password was when I signed up for GoodReads. So now they'll be offended and think I don't like them, when really, I just don't feel like trying to fish for my lost password.

Yes, yes, I know. None of these are real problems, and I'm whining. But that's what blogs are for!! Kvetching!

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