
Short thrills

Reactions to yesterday's post:

"Why haven't I heard of this Short Hills Mall before? It sounds amazing!" - A friend from California who now lives in NYC

That's what we Jerseyans are for - bringing malls to the transplanted masses!

Two people wrote and complained that I said the Garden State Plaza mall was in Westfield and not in Paramus, so I fixed it. I got confused because it had changed its name to "Westfield Garden State Plaza," but that's the name of the company, not the town it's in.

So here is one more update on the alleged plagiarism controversy, from the Harvard Crimson.

In other news, I am blogging right now to procrastinate from an evening of revisions to Novel-in-Progress #3.

Now back to our regularly scheduled grind. Oh yeah, buy my books. Summer's coming.

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