
Woke up, put on clothes, didn't go to work.

I did some work on the first 15 pages of Book 3 this morning. It's amazing that I'm still wrestling with the first 15 pages after three years. Every time I change something, I know this book will take longer and longer to finish. Frustrating but necessary. There are so many authors who get published and take forever to get their second novel out. They keep pushing back their deadline. I used to think it was laziness or intimidation, but now I know that once you finally get published, you're in less of a rush and you're also more aware of the process, so you want to make sure your next book is as good as it can be. Once you hand it in and it's accepted, you really can't make too many more changes.

There's something funny in the Times this morning that normally I'd comment on, but it will be used as a trivia question on Tuesday so I can't give it away here.

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