
MOOSE, next mile

Some trip highlights I forgot to mention:

1.  We saw some "Moose crossing" signs.  I'd never seen those before!  So that was neat.  Didn't see any moose, though.  (That's probably for the best...hubby said if we'd crashed into one, we coulda been goners.)

2.  We also saw a hand-painted sign saying there was going to be a "coon shoot" for charity.  Neither of us signed up.

3.  On the way up, the Capitol Steps, a D.C. parody troupe, was on the local public radio station.  From what I just read on their website, they play their newest album on public radio on four holidays per year, including July 4.  So I guess we stumbled onto a special treat!  

Some of the song parodies weren't that hot.  Our friend TAB could do much better.  But there was a song about corporate sponsorship of U.S. states (Tex-Lax, Oklahome Depot) that was pretty good.  You can listen to the songs on their homepage.

we did see some cows, though

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