
Beware of attack Chihuahua

This poster has been hanging in my local post office all month in honor of Dog Bite Prevention Week, which just ended.

It always gives me a little laugh.  Look at the dogs they choose to use to illustrate this.  In the upper left, a shiny-eyed Weiner dog that probably is no higher than the mainman's shoe.  Bad weinerdog!!  Look at the actual photo of the very guilty-looking weinerdog.  Definitely has the makings of a Stephen King novel.

Also, may I direct you to the dog to its right.  A vicious, angry terrier.   It practically has a ribbon in its hair.

Check out the beagle on the left, and then down below in the middle, that nasty, nasty pug with the googly eyes and tongue lolling out.

I'm sooo scared!

Women who blog too much

If you have time to kill, read this young former Gawker editor's tale of how she gave away too much on her blog and eventually realized that it's not a good idea to put your whole private life on the internet.  Yes, I do agree.  This is appearing in the Sunday Times, but it's already on the internet and has some people posting nasty comments about her.

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