

THANK YOU!!! Blog reader Snake Oil Sam e-mailed me to tell me to take the battery out of my phone, then take the chip out, then put them back in. I tried it, and it worked!! My phone is now operational again. I don't have to trek down to Radio Shack, consider buying stuff, or worry about re-inputting my numbers. Thank you so much, Snake Oil Sam! And to anyone else whose phone has the same symptoms, now you know how to take care of it.

Meanwhile, a friend wrote to me: "Remember how in the first season of 'Gilligan's Island' poor Mary-Ann wasn't even mentioned in the theme...reduced to an insulting and downgrading 'and the rest'? I think that's when the trouble began." Well, thanks for plagiarizing me! Just kidding. This person hadn't read the blog, obviously. Also obviously, half the people in their 30s thought of the same joke about Mary Ann. Sigh.

One final note. This past weekend, someone asked me how I got the idea for Carrie Pilby, since she's nothing like me. This caused my Hubby great laughter. Oh well.

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