
Is this any way to treat a baseball?

The Hubby, who is a newshound (ha ha, get it? hound? well, you only will if you follow the link), sent me this delightful news story:


It leaves out an important question: Did the dog get indigestion?

While I'm here, I'll note that soon I will get to two short posts I've been meaning to get to:

1) Explaining why I don't like that "It starts in your nose and goes to your toes" song, and

2) Noting that after I wrote my post about "Lazy Literature" last week, two friends followed up by mentioning in their e-mails to me that they loved "Catcher in the Rye," and one said he couldn't STAND it.

Just goes to show, everyone has a different reaction to a book. (Which is slightly comforting every time one of mine gets rejected!)

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