
Who reads this?

We're down to 21-30 people per day.  I'm guessing it's:

80 percent friends/people I've met in life
19 percent people who read my book and contacted me
5 percent people who found me from another blogs that linked to me
2 percent family (meaning, the Hubby.  I don't think any others read it, and that's good!)
1 percent former dates who are curious
0 percent co-workers (good!)

Yeah, that doesn't add up to 100, but I was not a math major.


What shall I do to celebrate Halloween?  I love the creepiness, the colors, the festivities, the candy (of course).   But I'm a tad too old to trick or treat, and no, I don't want to go into crowded Manhattan for the parade.  Maybe I would drag His Hubbiness to a Halloween party if a friend was having one, but maybe not.  The last one I went to was about four years ago, thrown at the apartment of this fellow author, who was dressed as Batman.

How are you folks celebrating, in your own special way?


Speaking of which, so far I've managed to avoid packing on a few extra pounds, despite the two weeks of traveling and eating out we recently had - including a wedding.  I gained a lot last year in October, so I tried to avoid that this year.  With it staying darker out later in the morning (thus sleeping later), more candy around, and staying indoors more, there is more temptation to nosh.  Well, I'll have to keep being careful.

One more thing about food:  My beloved Hen of the Woods (otherwise known as Maitake) mushrooms are in stores!  They are only around very briefly, though.  Hubby and I had some this evening.  Yummy.

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