
Woke up, went to work, put on clothes.

Just got back from an all-night toga party so hard to blog today.

Can you believe it's supposed to snow 10 inches later?

I have to go set my radio for Bush's speech at noon...sources say it might be a resignation. If Cheney goes, too, who becomes president? I can't remember from history class.

I'm working on a novel about a bunch of codes hidden in the works of Eminem. His initials are supposed to conjure Mary Magdalene, and if you look at the tattoos on his arm, you see three of the Apostles. Also, every fourth letter in his lyrics spells out "Is there no hope for the cokehead's son."

Please do me a favor and add yourself to my enemies list at www.EnemySter.com.

The Anonymous Blogger and I are getting married tonight.

Happy April Phule's Day to one and all.

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