
Most smartest

Most reality shows annoy me. But I found one that actually made me laugh.

It's called "America's Most Smartest Model" and of course, the purpose is just to make fun of models. I imagine that the models on the show realize that. They still want the publicity anyway.
The show judges models on their looks and moves, but also asks them history and spelling questions.

During the first episode, they had to walk the runway and say a list of things, with the category given by the judges. For instance, they would tell one guy "Kinds of dinosaur" and he had to walk the runway saying "Stegosaurus, brontosaurus..."

So anyway, during the course of this, they asked a French model to name things that smell bad.

He said: "Socks, trash, dirty laundry, dirty penis..."

At the end, Ben Stein said, "Did you say, 'Dirty penis'?"

The model replied, in his French accent, "Well, does it smell bad?"

Next, they asked a ditsy-looking woman to name things that were round. So she came out and walked the runway saying something like, "Grapefruit, balls, cherries, grapefruit, balls, cherries."

At that point, I broke down and started laughing hysterically. The Hubby just stared at me strangely. Thank God I didn't do this before the wedding or there might not have been one.

Anyway, don't forget to watch "America's Most Smartest Model" so that you can get your jollies pretending you are superior to people who look much better than you.

On another night, we are hosting trivia tonight. See ya!

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