
That's cold

So I heard it was cold and windy this past weekend. Was it? I guess I'll believe you.

Where the Boy and I were, it was 80 degrees and sunny.

I'd never seen ocean water so blue. Downtown was nice as well.

That was the view from our balcony, through the zoom lens. Anyway, we enjoyed the pool.

(The Boy is covered up to protect the innocent.)

I also saw a rainbow one morning!

The Boy was more excited about car-watching, and I can't blame him. There were a lot of interesting high-end cars to see. When it's sunny all the time, people like to show off their convertibles. I kind of liked this car:

But try as I might, I looked up and down A1A and didn't spot Vanilla Ice.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the show. Signing off, your host... (also hidden to protect the innocent, namely me)

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