...but its legend lives on.
An e-mail OOPS!
My favorite outdoor photos I ever took (roughly in order by favorite)

Frozen lake in Hightstown, N.J. Next to Cranbury, my favorite old town.

Frozen lake in Hightstown, N.J. Next to Cranbury, my favorite old town.
Binghamton, N.Y.
Nantucket, Mass.
New York City.
Roof of my old apartment in Hoboken, just after a thunderstorm, when marvelous mamatas clouds made a rare appearance.
Pittsburgh, PA
Cranbury, N.J.
Hoboken, N.J.
Near Burlington, VT.
Fairview, N.J.
More from Cranbury. Love these signs.
Hoboken, N.J.
Lower East Side.
Just kinda funny.
Bathroom in an old artists' lofts building in Jersey City. The building was demolished a few years ago. (Okay, this isn't outdoors. Well, might as well keep it for now.)
I just realized I don't have any good fall leaf photos here. I guess there's no specific one that stands out. Also, no snow photos! What's up with that? I'll keep trying.