
All your questions, answered

I have been getting a lot of the same questions from my blog readers lately. Here are some answers.

1. Q: When is the wedding?

A: We are tentatively planning to have our wedding the same day as we get married.

2. Q: When is your next book coming out?

A: Someone has to buy one first. I will let you know when I know.

3. Q: What is your favorite kind of dog?

A: No one actually asked this, but I like all dogs. I have a soft spot for beagle mixes.

4. Q: Why is this blog so boring?

A: Because I don't tell you about my scandalous, scandalous life. Maybe someday.

5. Q: Tell me more about The Boy.

A: No way! Then you'll try to steal him. And that would break my heart.

That's all. Now run along.

Dear diary...

Someday I'll have to go to "Cringe Night" and hear New Yorkers read from their teenage diaries. It's the newest 'nerd event' (as the Anonymous blogger calls them) in the city. I guess trivia night is old news now.

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