
Why women sometimes believe men are jerks

I just saw the term "threadjacking" in the comments section on someone's blog.  "Threadjacking" apparently means making a comment on a thread that completely changes the nature of the thread.  I thought it was a pretty cute term, and I wanted to see if the person made it up, or it was commonly used in cyberspace.  I Googled it and there are like 143,000 entries, so I guess it is quite popular.  Heck, it wouldn't be the first time I hadn't heard a term that everyone else uses.

Anyway, the top link in the list of Google entries was to a debate that was going on on a dating web board about whether it is "acceptable" to date a fat woman.  So I had to look.  And of course I got annoyed.  

Instead of saying "Depends on her personality," they all are being rather judgmental here

What really bothers me is the guy who comments that the first woman "doesn't respect herself" just because she is overweight.  Why does that mean she doesn't respect herself?  That's bull.  If you simply aren't attracted to someone, don't try to make it about them - it's about you, too.  Just admit that your comments are based on attraction, not someone else's personality failings.  She might respect herself just fine.  Pleeeease.  And then the guy says, "barring a medical reason" or something else.  Well, exactly - how do you know? 

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