
Writing updates

{}Contrary to what it says on Amazon, there is NOT a $4.99 version of Carrie Pilby coming out in September. There was supposed to be, but it got canceled a few months ago, apparently because some mass market paperbacks (the little ones) haven't done so well lately. So don't order that one. I sorta wish it had come out if only because I corrected 7-8 little things in the text, so I would have been pretty happy to have a cleaner copy. But oh well. Of course, it might have been a nice lead-in to the sequel coming out Oct. 27 (just three months from now!)

{}I'm working on short stories for two anthologies, so I'm pretty happy about that. It's been a while since I've focused on my short stories. I've worked on some that have taken me as long as a novel to get right.

{}Speaking of novels, the one I've been working on for four years is now partially in the hands of a few more knowledgeable people who will give me suggestions. And then I hope it will finally be ready to show in early September. It also takes place in fall, so it's perfect. (I'm a big believer in books for certain seasons.)

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